Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I am a MOM

I have been so busy lately because so much has been going on here in Ecuador!
After a few weeks all of the new volunteers are given a certain site to be the mom over for the remaining time here. I was chosen to be put in Milagros and Trinidad. This is a big responsibilty to be the mom of two sites but I couldn´t be more excited and content with the decision.
Milgros is a special needs orphanage and Trini is a day care in an extremely poverty stricken area in the mountains. So I get to be apart of both worlds and learn from all types of children.
We just received new therapy equipment for the OSSO kids which is really exciting. It has been six months since they have had therapies so this is huge. I will be learning these next couple of days how to work with all of my kids on their therapies with the new equipment. I guess I will be sort of a therapist for the next six weeks!
For Trinidad I will be coming up with fun activities and things for them to do each week we go up there. I feel really blessed to be the mom of this site because not all the girls get to go very often. A lot of them only get to go once or twice, fortunately I will go every week till I leave. YAY. I will try and keep an update on here about how all of my kids are doing. I am excited for this next step in my Journey!!

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