Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I had the most wonderful day today at Casas.

I have made it one of my goals to connect with a new child each day, or at least try to.

Today was a success.


He is the most precious little boy

About two years old

Very Independent




He attached himself to me today.

Made me feel like a million bucks.

Usually when I am at casas the kids do their own thing and are fine with that

Today I made Dylan my focus and it totally worked.

The highlight of my time at this site was the time I spent with him.

He held my hand willingly for a good part of the morning and wanted me to help him with lots of things.

I played with him on the slide and at the top he would give me a beso (kiss) each time.

This doesn´t usually happen unless I beg him, I didn´t even ask.

The rest of the day followed suit, followed by my telling him "choa" and him saying

"no choa, no choa."

Broke my heart, I told him I would return in la maƱana.

This may not seem like a huge deal, to some volunteers it might not be.

It was for me today.

I loved it!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing such good work. Those kiddos are lucky to have you. Just think though, you could be here dusting and helping all 2 customers.
    Love you
