Saturday, February 27, 2010

It Was a Beautiful Day

This past Thursday we got the opportunity to attend the temple. There is one temple in Ecuador and it happens to be a 30 minute airplane ride away. For an extra $150 we could go, so I took the offer and had a wonderful day.

The Guayaquil temple is beautiful. When we arrived we were the only ones there. About half way through doing baptisms a huge youth group showed up and filled the benches in the waiting room. This was a really cool thing for me to see. A temple experience I will never forget.

This is the van we rode in all day. From place to place in this busy town. The city of Guayaquil is sooo humid. I have never been in a place where I felt like I could literally cut the air. We were all crammed in this small van and drenched from the air. This van is similar if not identical to the one we take everyday to shift. Luckily we live high in the Andes so we aren´t suffering from the intense humidity. Definately an experience.

Our next stop was the mall. I wasn´t expecting something like this in a country like Ecuador but everyday is full of suprises. This mall was incredible, clean, and beautiful. We ate lunch and I was never so happy to eat Taco Bell.

Best meal here yet.

This sign made my whole day.
We walked into the bathroom and saw this.
Won´t see one of these again I am sure.

The helado at the mall was the best thing I have ever put in my mouth.


Looks like a scene from Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants in Greece.
Ecuadorian style.
If you look closely you can see the light house we hiked up to later that day.

Next stop, Iguana Park.

Camille and Aubrey

He looks like he is dead, but he is not. Just to give you an idea of how large these things were.

Isn´t he cute?

My roommates, Emily and Megan.

Stairs up to the lighthouse.

Banana trees.

Last stop, so pretty!


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