Life was in fast forward my last couple weeks in Ecuador. Therefore, I was unable to update my blog as I intended to. The events that took up my last weeks there included hours of slideshow preparation, nights out of the town, last frutilados runs, spending as much time with my kids as possible, HML and Trini activity planning, laughing all night long, crying even more at the thought of goodbye which I refused to say, group dinners, lots of I will see you soons, chao to the Rosero familia, leaving Cuenca which was the hardest moment of my life like ripping my heart into 101020390 pieces but then an overwhelming feeling of peace and accomplishment, lonely nights in Quito..not my home at all, AMOZONIAS adventure filled days which words cannot describe, sacrament meeting under the jungle sky, dancing in a WIDE open space, returning to Quito, and then the leaving behind of my life there. Bitter sweet, but mostly bitter.

I have been home for over a month now and it scares me how fast time flies by. I frequently look at the photos of my ninos and miss them more and more each time. Anyone that makes that big of an impact on a life can't be forgotten. They cross my mind more than once in a while.
The happiest ten weeks yet
A good friend of mine still possess my pictures from the last weeks there so these shall suffice for now. :)
I'm crying right now! sheesh. I miss you and my kids!