Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Everyday except Fridays I do therapies with the kids from Esperanza and Milagros. Ironically the names of the casas mean Hope and Miracles. These kids are living miracles and a great example of hope to me, I am learning with them everyday. There is a lot of blood, sweat, and tears that goes into these therapies but I am seeing improvements after just two weeks and it is so COOL.

There are three new peices of equipment that we have recieved from the last groups Legacy.

The Box- yes I know is sounds like some sort of punishment, but don´t worry it is the most popular, the kids love to be in there. Most of them anyways. Lucy and Christian will stay in there all day if they could. The purpose of the box is to strengthen their legs to help them with walking one day. Also, it is a great thing for their backs as opposed to being in a chair all day they get to straighten and strengthen their backs. The love this.

The Slide- the least popular of the equipment but the most used. The slide is set on different elevations depending on the child and their strength. All of the children climb down the slide and Martin from Milagros climbs up. The goal is to strengthen their arm muscles so they can be mobile while out of their chairs.

The Ladder- The ladder is used to help with walking and grasping abilities. This requires the most assistance from the volunteers. The children can´t walk on their own and everyone, except for Laurita, needs extra helping hands. This peice of equipment is so exciting, it is so sweet to see these kids out of their chairs and accomplishing something as simple as putting one foot in front of the other. I love to see them do this one.


  1. Wow! That's amazing, I didn't realize they had those problems. You are a wonderful person!! I have loved reading your blog. We miss you!!

  2. Looks like things are going great! I am thinking of them often!
