Trini. The daycare up in the Andes mountains was an experience I will never forget. First of all the drive up there is incredible. Everything is green and the steep mountain slopes are touching the clouds. This site is known for the pretty drive up, and they aren´t kidding.

When we arrived the children were waiting for us at the door, shouting "señoritas, señoritas!" We brought toilet paper rolls, yarn, and markers to make binoculars. They loved this activity. After they were made we went on a hunt for numbers that we places around the room.

The kids here at Trini dont have to come. It is all a choice, they bring themselves in the morning and leave when they want, and on their own. Their parents are working in the fields from sun up to sun down. The children are covered in flea bites, dirt, and who knows what else. They are still the most beautiful kids I have seen. They watch out for eachother, the are humble.

Samantha is a little girl who when it was time to go home she changed into the cutest little tweed dress suit. I could tell this was her most prized possesion, the most adorable thing ever!

I won´t forget my first experience here at Trini, I look forward to my opportunity to go back.
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