Tuesday, February 2, 2010

So Grateful

So my adventure starts! I will be serving with Orphanage Support Services Organization (OSSO) in Cuenca, Ecuador. I will be volunteering in several orphanages throughout the city high in the Andes Mountains. I look forward to this experience and I am excited to give of myself to the children of Ecuador. My thanks goes out to all of you who have made this possible for me, you will never know how much it has meant to me and will mean to the children. It has been a long process trying to find which organization to serve with, I have been wanting to travel abroad and work with children for as long as I can remember. Now it has become reality and I could not be more happy and grateful. THANK YOU! I can't say this enough, it amazes me how generous and supportive people are with donations. What great people I am surrounded by, it's amazing! My time in Ecuador will be for a short time but I hope I can make an impact on at least one person while I am there. I will use this blog to keep all of you updated on what I am doing and to share my experience with all of you!

It is not how much we do,
but how much love we put in the doing.
It is not how much we give,
but how much love we put in the giving.
-Mother Teresa
I love you all, thank you thank you for all of your support!!!!


  1. YEAH! I'm your first official commenter on you blog! I miss you already and you just left the store. Stay safe. I hope the bugs don't bite.... Love ya, April

  2. Well well well.... I can't believe that the little girl I taught so many years ago has turned into this beautiful and amazing person. I am so proud of you and this wonderful adventure you are about to venture out to do. My prayers will be with you and your family during this time. I'm am sure your mother will miss you and worry about you daily but, you need to remind her of the mother that raised her because she raised you with the best mothering skills ever. She also taught me a thing or two. Good luck shaylse. Love, Becky (Jones) Wright

  3. I'm so excited for you Shalyse! You are doing a wonderful thing that will bless your life and those you serve more than you'll ever know. I'm so proud of you!!!

  4. Good Luck Shalyse! What a special thing to you get to do!! You will be amazing, and I can't wait to hear your stories from this adventurous time. You are awesome Shalyse!

  5. Shalyse I love love LOVE you! I am so excited for you and what you're doing. You're my inspiration and I know you'll be great ;)

    Post lots of pictures and don't get eaten in the amazon!!

    <3 Lyndsi

  6. Shalyse!! I love you so much girl!! I am so glad that you get to go and have such a great experience in Ecuador!! I am so sad now that I didn't decide to go! Hopefully I can go and learn as much as you will!! :) Have a great time and I'll keep you in my prayers cousin! Love ya bunches! :) :)
    Love always, Dena Smith!

  7. This one is really me :) I love you so much!!! I have always looked up to you! you are such a great example and i thank the lord for letting me be a part of your family and life. I keep you in my prayers every morning and night. I pray you will inspire the people by your love and example and sweet spirit! I know heavenly father is sooo proud of you! so am I shalyse! Thank you for being selfless and sharing your love with those who need it the most! be safe! Always loving and thinking of you! love Denise Smith
